Affiliate Disclosure

This website, is a participant in the affiliate programs of various dating sites and apps, including but not limited to Tinder, Bumble and This means that if you click on certain links or purchase products through our website we may receive a commission from those companies at no additional cost to you.

We only recommend products or services that we have personally used ourselves or believe will be beneficial for our readers based on extensive research into each product/service provider’s reputation and customer feedback reviews online as well as other sources such as independent review websites like Trustpilot & Sitejabber etc.. We are independently owned so any opinion expressed here is solely ours own without influence from third parties who might benefit financially from us promoting their products/services.

At times some of these affiliates may offer incentives such discounts, free trials etc which can result in higher commissions for us however this does not affect how highly (or lowly) we rate them – it simply helps keep the site running by allowing us to generate revenue via referral fees earned when visitors make purchases after clicking one of our affiliate links found throughout the content published here.

In order for full transparency please note all opinions expressed about each service provider featured within this blog post are completely honest reflections based upon personal experience with said company / platform OR an overall consensus taken directly from user reviews across multiple platforms where applicable.

It should also be noted while every effort has been made ensure accuracy information provided herein could become outdated over time due changes implemented by respective providers – therefore kindly double check official websites before making any decisions regarding signing up with them since terms & conditions do change regularly without prior notice given!

To sum things up : All recommendations made available on come purely out genuine interest helping others find suitable partners using reliable resources – nothing more nothing less!