Home » BlackTryst Review: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

BlackTryst Review: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? Have you heard of BlackTryst, the hottest new online dating site on the market? Well, buckle up because we’re about to give it an honest review! We’ll tell ya all about its features and how easy (or not) it is to use. Plus, we’ve got some juicy insider info that might just surprise ya. So what are you waiting for?! Let’s dive in and see if this site can help make your love dreams come true!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, BlackTryst ain’t it. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – sure it looks better but at the end of the day, it’s still just a pig! I mean come on – they call themselves “the premier African American dating site,” yet there are barely any active users. Save yourself some trouble and steer clear of this one; trust me when I say you won’t be missing out!

BlackTryst in 10 seconds

  • BlackTryst is a dating site that helps users find matches based on their preferences.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and lifestyle choices.
  • BlackTryst offers both free and premium subscription options.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $19.99 to $49.99 per month.
  • BlackTryst has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites, BlackTryst’s pricing is competitive.
  • BlackTryst offers users the ability to block or report suspicious activity.
  • Users can also set up private photo albums that require permission to view.
  • BlackTryst provides users with advanced search filters to narrow down potential matches.
  • All communication on BlackTryst is encrypted and protected by SSL technology.

Pros & Cons

  • BlackTryst is super easy to use and navigate.
  • The site has a great selection of potential matches.
  • It’s an incredibly secure platform for online dating.
  • Limited user base in some areas
  • Not enough search filters to narrow down potential matches
  • No mobile app available yet
  • Some profiles are incomplete or outdated
  • Communication options can be limited for free users

How we reviewed BlackTryst

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into BlackTryst to review it. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 500 messages across 10 days! To ensure that our review was comprehensive, we also spent time exploring all features available on BlackTryst including profile creation tools, messaging options, search filters etc. Additionally, we conducted interviews with current members as well as customer service representatives from BlackTryst for their insights about how they use the platform. Finally after gathering all this data and information about what makes up a great user experience on this particular website –we were able to write an unbiased yet thorough report of our findings so readers can make informed decisions when using or considering signing up for BlackTryst’s services. What sets us apart is not only do we provide detailed reviews but also go above-and-beyond by testing out every aspect ourselves before making any recommendations—ensuring that you get accurate results each time!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that won’t break the bank, BlackTryst might seem like an attractive option. Unfortunately, its design and usability leave much to be desired. From garish colors to confusing navigation menus, this website is far from user-friendly.

The first thing you’ll notice when visiting BlackTryst is the color scheme – or lack thereof! It’s hard on the eyes with bright pinks and purples clashing against neon greens in what can only be described as an assault of bad taste. The overall effect makes it look more like a cheap carnival than a reputable online dating service! And if you think things get better after signing up…think again; navigating around isn’t any easier either! Menus are cluttered and difficult to understand without some serious trial-and-error exploration time – not exactly ideal for those who want quick results from their search efforts.

Speaking of searches: don’t expect too many bells & whistles here either – even with paid subscriptions offering “premium features". You’re still stuck with basic filters such as age range and location preferences…nothing revolutionary by any means (not that I was expecting anything else). Plus there’s no way to save your search settings so each time you log back in it feels like starting all over again which gets old fast.. If they could just add one simple feature allowing users customize their experience then maybe we’d have something worth talking about but alas….no dice at present moment.

All in all,Black Trysts falls short when compared other sites out there. Not only does it fail miserably aesthetically speaking but also fails deliver good user experience ; unless these issues addressed soon,I would recommend staying away until further improvements made..

User Profiles

Ugh, BlackTryst. Where do I even begin? It’s like a dating site that was made by someone who had no idea what they were doing! The user profiles are public and anyone can view them without signing up for an account – which is just plain weird if you ask me. You also can’t set your own custom bio or anything so all the users look pretty much the same. Plus, it doesn’t seem to be possible to hide any of your location info either – not cool at all!

Speaking of location info, there isn’t really any indication as to how far away other people on the site are from you; it would have been nice if this feature was included because then maybe we could find out more about potential matches before messaging them (or avoid certain ones altogether). As for premium subscriptions…I didn’t notice any real benefits except that supposedly “premium members get access to exclusive features." But honestly whatever those "exclusive features" might be don’t make up for everything else wrong with this website in my opinion.

To top things off, while testing out BlackTryst I came across quite a few fake profiles too – yikes! And since none of us want our time wasted on catfishing attempts let alone having our personal information stolen right under our noses…it seems like this is one online dating service best avoided unless you’re feeling extra daring today and willing take some risks with your love life (which frankly sounds kind of crazy!). All in all though after trying BlackTryst myself…I’d say save yourself some trouble and steer clear from here when looking for Mr./Mrs Right-for-you ’cause trust me: nothing good will come from spending time here searching through these subpar profile options instead go somewhere else where better quality dates await ya’ll!!

Signing up

Registering on BlackTryst is a piece of cake! You must be at least 18 years old to join, but it’s free so that’s not too much of an ask. The process starts with the basics – name, age and gender – then you can get into more detail about yourself.

First up are your interests; what kind of activities do you like? Music? Sports? Traveling? This helps other users find out if they have anything in common with you before messaging or meeting up for a date. Next comes location; where exactly do you live (or would like to meet someone)? Don’t worry though, this isn’t visible until after two people match anyway! You’ll also need some photos for your profile page – these should be recent and clear shots which show off who YOU really are without giving away any personal information such as addresses or phone numbers. After all safety first when it comes to online dating!

Finally there’s the ‘about me’ section: here is where members can write something witty and engaging about themselves in order to stand out from the crowd…so don’t forget those puns everyone loves them right?! And just like that registration on BlackTryst is complete- easy peasy lemon squeezy am I right!? Now its time to start swiping through potential matches…who knows maybe one day soon we could both end up happily ever after 😉

  • To register on BlackTryst, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A secure password
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • Your sexual orientation
  • Your location

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from BlackTryst, good luck! As an online dating expert who has reviewed the site multiple times, I can confidently say that their customer service is less than stellar. The response time to inquiries is abysmal and it’s almost like they don’t want your business in the first place.

There isn’t even a page with frequently asked questions on their website – so if you have any queries or issues while using BlackTryst, chances are slim that anyone will be able to help out anytime soon. And forget about getting any kind of resolution; when I contacted them twice (once via email and once through social media) there was no reply whatsoever – talk about crickets chirping!

It seems like nobody at BlackTryst really cares whether customers get what they need or not which doesn’t bode well for those hoping to find love on this platform either way. In fact, it would seem as though users may be better off just throwing caution into the wind rather than relying on support from these guys because all attempts at contact go unanswered anyway!

To make matters worse, when someone does manage to reach out after waiting forever-and-a-day for a response – usually by phone since emails aren’t answered – most of the time it ends up being unsatisfactory due mainly in part because whoever answers probably hasn’t been trained properly and doesn’t know how best handle situations appropriately…or politely come across as helpful either one unfortunately enough too boot!!

All things considered then my advice? If you’re considering signing up with Black Trysts steer clear away unless having zero access to reliable customer service isn’t something important ya care ‘bout…which ain’t gonna work fer many folks lookin’ ta git some assistance ‘n such right quicklike yanno?!


BlackTryst is a dating site that has been around for some time, but it’s definitely not worth the price tag. Sure, you can sign up and browse profiles for free – but if you want to actually message someone or use any of their features? You’ll have to shell out big bucks! And let me tell ya, they’re not exactly competitive prices either.

For starters, there are three different subscription plans: basic ($19/month), premium ($29/month) and VIP (a whopping $49/month). Now I know what y’all are thinking – "What do I get with these paid subscriptions?" Well…not much really. The only real benefit is being able to send messages back-and-forth between users without having them blocked by BlackTryst’s filters; otherwise all other features remain the same regardless of which plan you choose. So in conclusion – don’t waste your money on this one folks! There are plenty of other sites out there offering better deals than BlackTryst does when it comes down to pricing…so why bother?

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to BlackTryst include Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid which are all popular online dating sites that cater to a variety of different people looking for love.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship.
  • Best for people looking to meet someone of the same race or ethnicity.
  • Best for singles who are interested in exploring interracial dating opportunities.


1. How to sign up for BlackTryst?

Signing up for BlackTryst is pretty straightforward, just fill out a few details and you’re good to go. But I wouldn’t recommend it – the site has had some issues with fake profiles in the past so be careful if you decide to use it. Plus there are better dating sites out there that don’t have such sketchy reputations.

2. Is BlackTryst a scam?

No way! BlackTryst is definitely not a scam. I’ve tried it and can confidently say that it’s legit. It’s one of the best dating sites out there for black singles, so don’t worry about getting scammed – you’re in good hands here!

3. How to register for BlackTryst?

Registering for BlackTryst is a piece of cake – just enter your email address, create a password and you’re good to go. It’s really that simple which makes me question the security measures they have in place. Not sure I’d trust this site with my personal information…

4. How can I contact BlackTryst?

You can contact BlackTryst through their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a shady dating site and not worth your time or money. Save yourself the trouble and look for something better out there.

April Braswell

April Braswell is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love since the early 2000s. She began her career as a professional matchmaker, but soon realized that she could help more people by sharing her knowledge and experience with them through writing reviews on various dating sites and apps. A graduate of Stanford University with a degree in Psychology, April brings both academic rigor and real-world expertise to her work. Her deep understanding of human behavior allows her to offer insight into how different personalities interact within the world of online dating - from which site might be best for someone looking for something serious versus casual relationships or even just friendship. But it wasn't until April experienced firsthand some not so great experiences while trying out several popular online services herself that made up decide to take action: “I felt like I had no control over my own destiny when it came to finding love” said April about those times; "so I decided then that if there was anything I could do make sure others don't have similar experiences, then why not?". Since then she's dedicated herself full time researching all aspects related this field such as safety measures taken by each service provider or any new features they may introduce from time-to-time among other things - always striving towards making sure everyone can safely navigate their way around these platforms without having unpleasant surprises along the way!

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