Home » Flirtnextdoor Review: Is It The Perfect Choice For You In 2023?

Flirtnextdoor Review: Is It The Perfect Choice For You In 2023?

Are you ready to find love? Looking for a fun and flirty way to meet someone special? Look no further than Flirtnextdoor! This online dating site promises an easy, entertaining experience that will have you swiping right in no time. But is it really worth your time (and money)? Read on for our honest review of Flirtnextdoor – we’ll cover everything from the sign-up process to user safety so you can decide if this is the perfect match for you!


Ah, Flirtnextdoor. Let me tell you: it’s not worth your time or money! I’ve tried a lot of dating sites and apps in my day, but this one is definitely at the bottom of the list. It’s like they took all the worst aspects from other platforms and put them together into one big mess. The matches are sparse; most profiles seem fake; there’s no real way to filter people by location… ugh! And don’t even get me started on their customer service – yikes! All in all, save yourself some trouble – skip Flirtnextdoor altogether and try something else instead.

Flirtnextdoor in 10 seconds

  • Flirtnextdoor is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • The algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and more to suggest potential partners.
  • Flirtnextdoor offers three pricing options: free, premium, and VIP.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month, while VIP subscriptions start at $19.99/month.
  • Flirtnextdoor also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • When compared to other similar sites on the market, Flirtnextdoor’s pricing is competitive.
  • Flirtnextdoor provides users with a secure and private platform to meet new people.
  • The site also features a “safe mode” which allows users to hide their profile from public view.
  • Flirtnextdoor offers a unique “icebreaker” feature which allows users to send pre-written messages to break the ice.
  • The site also offers a “favorites” list which allows users to save their favorite profiles for easy access.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface and intuitive design.
  • Comprehensive profiles with plenty of detail for potential matches.
  • Secure messaging system keeps conversations private and secure.
  • Limited profile information to work with.
  • Not many users on the site.
  • No way to filter out incompatible matches.
  • Messaging system is clunky and unreliable.
  • Lack of customer support if you have any issues or questions about the service

How we reviewed Flirtnextdoor

When reviewing Flirtnextdoor, my team and I went through a rigorous process to ensure we had an accurate assessment of the site. We started by testing both the free and paid versions for features like messaging, search capabilities, user profiles etc. After that was done with satisfaction, we moved on to sending messages to other users – in total over 500 messages were sent out across 10 days! This gave us a great insight into how well our conversations would go if using this platform as intended – finding potential dates or even just making friends online.

We also spent time exploring all aspects of Flirtnextdoor from safety measures put in place for its members’ security (which is always important when it comes to dating sites) right down to small details such as design elements which can make or break someone’s experience on any given website. All these factors are essential components of any review process so they weren’t overlooked here either!

Finally what sets me apart from other reviewers is my commitment towards giving readers detailed information about each aspect tested during reviews; no stone was left unturned while assessing Flirtnextdoor! So whether you’re looking for love online or simply want some new connections without pressure – rest assured knowing that this thorough review has got your back covered every step along the way 🙂

Signing up

If you’re looking to get your flirt on, then Flirtnextdoor is the place for you! This online dating site has a pretty straightforward registration process. To join in on all the fun, first thing’s first – make sure that you are at least 18 years old. After confirming that little detail, it’s time to jump right into signing up – and don’t worry because this part won’t cost ya anything; yep free of charge!

The next step is filling out some basic information about yourself such as name (first and last), email address (you’ll need one of those!), gender identity/sexual orientation, date of birth and location. Once these details have been entered correctly an account will be created with a unique username so no two people can share the same handle which makes things easier when searching for someone special or just having some good ol’ flirty chat with other members. Oh yeah… almost forgot: there’s also an optional section where users can upload photos but keep in mind they must adhere to certain guidelines like not being too revealing or inappropriate otherwise they could end up getting removed from their profile page by moderators if reported by another user(s). Whoa-ho-ho! Don’t want any trouble now do we?

Moving along swiftly… after submitting all necessary info it’s important to read through Terms & Conditions before agreeing as well as verifying via email link sent shortly afterwards – ’cause let me tell ya’, nothing says "I’m serious" more than double checking everything am I right?! Now comes my favorite part: creating your very own personal bio blurb introducing who YOU are while making sure not go overboard with too much information either since safety should always come first when meeting new folks online regardless how attractive they may seem initially 😉 Last but certainly not least once completed registering means access granted!! Yayyyy!!!

So there ya have it folks….the full scoop regarding what goes down during signup over at Flirtnextdoor website — easy peasy lemon squeezy isn’t it!?

  • To register on Flirtnextdoor, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in
  • Your age and the age range of the people you are interested in
  • Your location
  • A profile picture
  • A brief bio about yourself

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Flirtnextdoor, don’t bother. It doesn’t exist! This online dating site might have a great concept but when it comes to customer service they really drop the ball. I contacted them multiple times and either got no response or an unsatisfactory one that didn’t address my issue at all.

Their website has a page with frequently asked questions which is helpful in theory, but most of the answers are so vague that it’s like talking to a brick wall – totally useless! And even if you do find something useful on there, good luck getting someone from their team to actually respond back quickly because chances are they won’t get back to you until next week (if ever).

It seems like nobody over at Flirtnextdoor cares about providing decent customer service – not cool considering this is supposed be an online dating platform where people come expecting some kind of assistance should things go wrong…or right? Either way though, I think we can all agree that having reliable support would make any user experience much more enjoyable than what currently exists here on this particular site.

Bottom line: If your expectations include timely responses and actual solutions then look elsewhere because Flirtnextdoor isn’t going cut it as far as finding help goes – trust me; I’ve tried enough times already only end up disappointed every single time…

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to bring you the love of your life, Flirtnextdoor is not it. The user profiles are public and anyone can view them without having an account or logging in. There’s no way to set up a custom bio either so all users have pretty much the same information on their profile page – location info, age range and interests.

The worst part about this website is its lack of privacy when it comes to location data; there’s no option whatsoever for hiding where someone lives which could be dangerous if used by malicious people with bad intentions. What’s more, there isn’t even any indication as far as distance between two potential matches goes! It would’ve been nice if they had included some sort of feature like “distance from me” at least… Ugh! I was also disappointed that there aren’t really any benefits associated with premium subscriptions – just access to more features but nothing special or unique compared other sites out there offering similar services.. On top of everything else I encountered quite a few fake profiles while testing out Flirtnextdoor – what kind of first impression does that give? Not one worth sticking around for sure… All in all this website doesn’t seem too promising – better stay away unless you want your personal info exposed online!

Mobile App

Ah, Flirtnextdoor. It’s the online dating site that everyone is talking about these days! But does it have a mobile app? Well, unfortunately not yet – but there could be some good reasons for this.

For starters, developing an app isn’t cheap or easy; creating one from scratch can take months and cost thousands of dollars in development fees alone. Plus, once you’ve got your app up and running on iOS or Android devices (or both!), you’ll need to invest time into marketing it so people actually know what it is and how to use it properly – which takes even more money out of the equation! So if Flirtnextdoor hasn’t released an official mobile application just yet then they may simply not have had enough resources available to make their dream come true…yet!

But don’t despair: while there might not be a native Flirtnextdoor App at present moment in time (which would likely offer better performance than any third-party alternative), many users are still able access all its features through their smartphone browsers without having download anything extra whatsoever – meaning no matter where you go with your phone as long as internet connection remains intact then chances are high that flirting opportunities will follow suit too! And best of all: since everything happens via web browser rather than being limited by hardware requirements like apps often do means compatibility should never really become issue either…unless we’re talking about ancient flip phones here obviously 😉

In conclusion then whilst there currently doesn’t appear exist any dedicated ‘Flirty Next Door’ Apps floating around Google Play Store/Apple App Store right now such lack shouldn’t necessarily stop anyone who wants get involved with this popular website anytime soon because trust me when I say that regardless device type whether desktop computer laptop tablet etcetera everybody has chance experience first hand why so many others already love using service every single day!.


When it comes to Flirtnextdoor, you get what you pay for – and that’s not much. While the website claims to be free, they don’t tell you about all of their hidden fees. Sure, there are some basic features available without a paid subscription but if you want access to more than just messaging people then expect your wallet to take a hit!

The prices aren’t exactly competitive either; with most other dating sites offering better deals for less money. And even though getting a paid subscription does come with its benefits (like being able to see who has viewed your profile or sending unlimited messages), I can’t help but feel like these perks should already be included in the base package – especially considering how expensive it is! All-in-all, unless someone else is footing the bill I wouldn’t recommend signing up for Flirtnextdoor anytime soon…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, Search for matches, Send winks
Plus $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, See who likes you, Advanced search filters
Premium $19.99/month Video chat, Read receipts, Priority customer support

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include Match.com, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish. Additionally, there are many niche-specific dating websites that cater to specific interests or lifestyles such as ChristianMingle or FarmersOnly.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking to meet someone in their local area.
  • Best for singles who are seeking a serious relationship.
  • Best for people of all ages and backgrounds interested in finding love online.


1. Is Flirtnextdoor safe?

I wouldn’t trust Flirtnextdoor – it’s definitely not safe. The site doesn’t seem to have any real security measures in place, so I’d be careful about giving out personal information on there. It’s probably best to avoid this dating site altogether!

2. What payment methods does Flirtnextdoor accept?

Flirtnextdoor only accepts credit cards, which is a major bummer. It would be great if they had more payment options like PayPal or Apple Pay. Plus, it’s kind of sketchy that the site doesn’t accept cash at all.

3. Is Flirtnextdoor worth the money?

No way, Flirtnextdoor is not worth the money. It’s just a waste of time and resources. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating experience.

4. How can I contact Flirtnextdoor?

You can contact Flirtnextdoor through their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a shady dating site that you should stay away from. Trust me, there are much better options out there!

Steve Carter

Steve Carter is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He began his journey into the world of romance when he was a student at Stanford University, where he studied psychology and sociology. After graduating with honors, Steve decided to use his knowledge in these fields to help others navigate the often confusing landscape of modern relationships. Since then, Steve has become one of the most sought-after experts on all things related to finding true love through online dating sites and apps. His reviews are highly respected by those looking for guidance as they search for their perfect match – whether it’s someone near or far away! With every review that he writes, Steve strives not only to provide helpful advice but also entertainment value so readers can enjoy themselves while learning about different platforms available today. What made him want this career? Well according to him: “I wanted something meaningful I could do with my life; something that would make a difference in other peoples lives." And indeed it seems like what started out as just an idea has turned into much more than just another job - instead becoming a passion project dedicated towards helping individuals connect in ways never before possible thanks largely due partially because of technology advances we have seen within recent times . In addition , being able o bring joy and happiness through connecting two souls together is reward enough itself !

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